March Waverley Local Planning Panel meeting postponed

23 March 2020 | Council News

23 March 2020

Due to the public health restrictions put in place by the federal government in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Waverley Council has postponed the Waverley Local Planning Panel (WLPP) meeting scheduled for 25 March.

The Waverley Local Planning Panel determines significant Development Applications (DAs), as defined by the criteria set by the Minister, in the Waverley LGA. This includes DAs such as new Residential Flat Buildings, the demolition of a heritage item, development which has a significant number of unique objections, a departure to a statutory development standard greater than 10%, applications proposing a planning agreement or an identified conflict of interest.

The Panel is made up of a pool of planning experts, independent of Council, who meet monthly.  Councillors are no longer involved in the decision-making process for determining those DAs, allowing them more time to focus on strategic planning issues, such as the planning controls that underpin DA decisions.

Waverley Council is now looking at alternate methods for hosting the meeting that can the health and safety of all meeting attendees is ensured. When the meeting is rescheuled, affected parties including the applicant and those who made submissions will be notified in writing. To stay informed about any updates with this, please visit the Waverley Local Planning Panel webpage.