Supporting the Community during Novel Coronavirus Covid-19

07 April 2020 | Council News

Council is focused on supporting the whole community, and particularly vulnerable and at-risk residents, to prevent the spread of COVID-19, and maintain social connections and quality of life.

We have been overwhelmed by residents, precinct groups and businesses offering support for neighbourhood and community support initiatives. We want to make sure people have as much information as possible about making a difference in these challenging times while keeping themselves (and others around them) healthy and well.

The following information details some of the ways in which Council is providing support, and how the community can get involved. For advice lines and referral information for support services available to the community, please see here.

What Council is doing

We’re continuing our support for the most vulnerable people in our community – socially isolated, older people or people who are at risk of homelessness.

  • Developed community cards to enable community members to offer and request support during this pandemic. One will be delieverd to each household, and you can download and print versions here: black and white and colour. If you would like more hard copy ones deleivered, please email or connect with us through the below Facebook group.
  • Created a community-focused facebook page: for communtiy groups and invidiausl to support each other, request help, offer to volunteer and share resources
  • Through our Community Housing Manager, we are liaising with our social and affordable housing tenants to ensure they are supported.
  • While Waverley Library remains closed, we are still able to offer our online resources to our members. Our staff are also continuing to provide welfare checks on registered clients of our Home Library Service to ensure they remain connected during this difficult time. You can find out more on this here.
  • Public WiFi will continue to be available throughout Waverley.
  • We are looking after our homeless residents by coordinating support within established internal and external networks. Regular monitoring, referral and cleaning routines are being maintained. Weekly Outreach services providing ongoing support for individuals also continues. Council is working with the Eastern Suburbs Homelessness Assertive Collaboration (ESHAC) on key issues.
  • We continue to provide our Waverley Community Living Program, with one-on-one support and services by remote means.
  • Early Education Services and our Family Day Care services remain open at the current time and are closely following health advice.
  • Mill Hill Seniors & Community Services is closed, and seniors programming is suspended. During this time Council is supporting our seniors through alternative means that will replace face to face contact to ensure our seniors keep well and are connected to information and support.
  • Council continues to support local essential services providers, grassroots initiatives and community groups such as the Waverley Community and Seniors Association, Our Big Kitchen and others, in helping vulnerable people and assist to contain the spread of COVID 19.
  • The Junction Neighbourhood Centre (JNC) is providing up to date information on local services that are still operating during the COVID-19 pandemic including details of any changed arrangements to access them. These services are changing daily and the directory will be updated regularly. Click here to access this.
  • We've put together a COVID-19 Advice Lines and Referral Information webpage to help the community navigate the support that is available to them.
  • We are supporting local business in a number of ways, outlined here, including a relief packaging offering approximately $1 million per month.

Council is disseminating Australian & NSW Government information on social distancing and personal hygiene to all members of our community Please go here for more information on this at remain the best point for health advice in this situation.

Small Grants

Council works in partnership with local community groups and services. Some of these groups have been funded by Council through our community and small grants program. Our last round of grant applications closed on 6 April and we are currently reviewing those received.

Volunteering Opportunities

Council supports a range of local services that respond to community needs. If you are keen to volunteer over the coming weeks and months, please email us at and we will contact you as relevant opportunities arise within the range of local services that Council supports.

Other ways to support people at a neighbourhood level, include:

There are also a number of grass roots community-driven Facebook groups setting up in Waverley:

Other volunteering opportunities are:

Talk to us

As this situation evolves, we want to hear from you. Council wants to know what your issues or concerns are in relation to community connections and supporting our vulnerable and high-risk members at this time. Please email us at and we will get back to you.

For up-to-date information on Council’s response for all services and programming please go here: