Hazardous Surf Warning issued for Waverley’s beaches

13 February 2020 | News

Thursday 13 February 2020

Waverley Council is urging people to stay safe this weekend with cyclonic conditions forecast to impact the NSW coastline from tomorrow.

Bondi, Tamarama and Bronte beaches will experience a large east and north-easterly cyclone swell, with conditions unlikely to ease until late on Sunday.

Mayor of Waverley, Paula Masselos, said surf and swell conditions will be hazardous for coastal activities including swimming, surfing and rock fishing.

“In the likely event that our beaches and Bronte Pool is closed, do not enter the water, and if you witness an in-water emergency, please inform our Council Lifeguards, or if it is after hours, dial Triple Zero (000) and ask for the Police,” Mayor Masselos said.

The Bureau of Meteorology has issued a Hazardous Surf Warning for the Sydney region as a result of Tropical Cyclone Uesi.

“I implore people to observe this warning and follow instructions from our Lifeguards at all times.

“Please do not put your life at risk or the lives of our Lifeguards.”

Lifeguard Hours:

Bondi Beach:               0600 - 1900

Tamarama Beach:       0830 – 1900

Bronte:                         0600 - 1900