Message from the Mayor  

10 May 2021 | Council News

10 May 2021

As you may know, Council is seeking feedback from the community about beach volleyball at Tamarama and Bondi beaches.

We are keen to hear if people think that the rules of play for volleyball at these beaches is adequate, if players are complying with the rules and if the number and location of beach volleyball courts is sufficient or if it needs to change.

Council has never said that it is considering banning volleyball, nor has it speculated on the potential outcomes of the consultation. Community consultations are still being undertaken and upon completion, a report will come to Council in June.

Council is also listening to the concerns of our community more broadly. Council is undertaking comprehensive community engagement to better understand what our residents think after concerns were raised by some members of our community regarding the location of beach volleyball courts and compliance with Council’s rules of play.

Once consultation closes on 17 May, all the feedback received will be summarised and considered by Council. If necessary, there may be further investigation or the rules of play for beach volleyball may be reviewed.

I encourage everyone to complete our beach volleyball survey at by 17 May.

Paula Masselos

Mayor of Waverley