Appeal for information from the community

08 February 2023 | News

8 February 2023

Waverley Council Rangers responded immediately today to reports of suspected dog baiting at Marks Park, Tamarama.

Rangers are currently inspecting the park, and are continuing to speak with dog owners, after receiving reports this morning of animals becoming unwell.

At this point, we have not been able to obtain information about the type of suspected baiting that has been reported, but our inquiries are continuing. If Council is able to obtain a sample of the suspected bait, then we can have it analysed to establish its contents and report it to police and the RSPCA.

Dog-baiting is not a common problem in Waverley but is devastating when it does occur.

We will be posting alerts on social media and will continue to patrol the park.

We ask that owners remain vigilant when exercising their dogs and monitor their dogs for any signs of illness.

Dogs are permitted off-leash in Marks Park between 4.30pm and 8.30am daily, however, owners may wish to keep their dogs on-leash if they have concerns.

Anyone with information should contact us on 9083 8000 or lodge a request on our website, or via the Snap Send Solve app.

Waverley Council does not conduct rat baiting in any of its parks.