Managing unauthorised gatherings in Waverley’s public spaces

09 March 2023 | News

9 March 2023

Waverley Council has adopted a Mayoral Minute to investigate further strategic and operational measures to manage unauthorised and coordinated large gatherings in its public spaces including coastal parks.

The move is intended to reduce crowding, anti-social behaviour, littering and traffic congestion during holiday periods and other peak times.

Waverley is home to some of Australia’s most popular beaches, coastal walks and coastal parks which are managed and maintained by the Council.

Mayor of Waverley, Paula Masselos, said Waverley’s public spaces are for everyone to enjoy following the easing of COVID-19 restrictions.

“Council currently implements a coordinated response for coastal open space management during summer periods to ensure that residents and visitors use our beaches and parks safely,” Mayor Masselos said.

“Trashing our public places and putting the safety and wellbeing of residents, visitors and our outdoor workers at risk through anti-social behaviour, the illegal consumption of alcohol and littering is a disrespectful and unacceptable use of community open space.

“Gatherings such as the illegal party that attracted thousands of people, and that took place on Christmas Day last year in Bronte Park have the potential to spiral out of control. How is that fair to residents or to families who have travelled a distance to enjoy a nice time at the beach?”

Council voted to include the following in its investigations:

  • Options to restrict coordinated large gatherings that are in contravention of Council’s events and noise policies, including compliance and media monitoring
  • Options to improve management of enforcing alcohol-free zones
  • Options to reduce the impacts of litter and ensure respectful use of community open space
  • Traffic management arrangements to reduce traffic congestion near beaches and public car parks
  • Whether the provision of temporary facilities including toilets and bins are required
  • Outcomes of any meetings with social media platforms, such as Facebook, about how large event notices can limit numbers and include notifications to comply with Council’s events policy

“I also encourage residents who become aware of any planned illegal parties or suspect that one is being set up at a local park or reserve to contact local police, Crime Stoppers or Waverley Council’s Customer Service so that we can be even better prepared,” Mayor Masselos said.

“We will also continue to work with local police and our surf lifesaving clubs to ensure effective communication arrangements are in place during major public holidays.”


Media inquiries: or 0416 075 532.