Celebrate safely this Australia Day

24 January 2024 | News

Waverley Council is encouraging visitors to our beaches, parks and reserves to celebrate safely this Australia Day, Friday 26 January 2024.

Council has several measures in place to help manage crowds and traffic on public holidays during summer including:

  • increased ranger patrols
  • increased police including user-pays police
  • extra bins and rubbish collection throughout the day and evening
  • confiscation of alcohol and on-the-spot fines drinking alcohol at beaches and parks
  • on-the-spot fines for littering

Alcohol consumption will remain the key focus for Rangers and Police and anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated. Learn more about alcohol bans here.

Mayor of Waverley, Paula Masselos, said Waverley’s beaches and parks are public places and are there for all to share.

“Waverley Council invests considerable effort and expense to make our public spaces safe and enjoyable to visit and people are welcome provided they do the right thing,” Mayor Masselos said.

"If you come expecting big amplifiers and parties down at the beach, don’t. Council owned or managed land is not yours to monopolise.”

“Our professional lifeguards are also asking beach goers, whether they are experienced swimmers or not, to remain vigilant in the water, and always follow instructions from lifeguards.

“People must swim between the red and yellow flags, and if you get into trouble in the water, signal for help and Float to Survive. This means not panicking, don’t try to swim, float on your back and try to attract help.”

Changed road conditions and restricted access will be in place at both Bronte Beach and Bondi Beach to improve traffic flow and parking availability.

Council will be implementing the following:

  1. One way loop of Bronte Road – access to Bronte Park from Macpherson Street only
  2. Restricted access to Bayview Street and Bronte Marine Drive (south of Hewlett St)
  3. Restricted access to Queen Elizabeth Drive and Parks Drive.

Council asks that residents and visitors accessing these areas follow the directions of the police and traffic controllers onsite.

For all traffic updates for 26 January, visit Live Traffic NSW at livetraffic.com.


Media inquiries: media@waverley.nsw.gov.au or 0416 075 532.