Hall Street Bondi to become smoke-free

21 March 2017 | Media Release


Waverley Council will extend its smoke-free areas to include Hall Street, Bondi to help protect the community from passive smoke.

From the 30 March 2017, both sides of Hall Street between Campbell Parade and Glenayr Avenue will become smoke-free between 7am-9pm daily.

According to the Cancer Council Australia, tobacco smoking remains the leading preventable cause of death and disease in Australia but claims the lives of 15,500 Australians every year.

Smoking leads to a wide range of diseases including many types of cancer, heart disease and stroke, chest and lung illnesses and stomach ulcers.

Mayor Sally Betts said passive smoking causes early death and health problems in children and adults who do not smoke.

“Council is committed to the health and well being of our residents and visitors. There are over 60 known carcinogens in cigarette smoke, so there is no safe level of exposure.

“A smoke-free environment is the only way to fully protect non-smokers from the dangers of second-hand smoke.”

Currently, all of Waverley’s beaches, Spring Street and Oxford Street Mall in Bondi Junction are also smoke free.

“We have consulted with local businesses and there is overwhelming support for the campaign.

“This new smoke free area follows on from the successful trial of smoke-free Oxford Street Mall, which started in December 2015 and was found to significantly reduce smoking rates in the mall.” Mayor Betts said.

Council set up an information stall on the corner of Hall Street and Campbell Parade on the 15 March to raise awareness about the program and field enquiries from members of the public and businesses. Signage will also be rolled out throughout March.

Council Rangers will be working with the community to implement the campaign. A review of this approach will be conducted by Council in 12 months.