Bondi Junction Village Markets

13 February 2018 | Media Release

Bondi Junction Village Markets on Oxford Street Mall is a Council initiative that has been running for over 14 years, and has been operated by Your Local Markets Pty Ltd for the last eight years.

Council received notice from the licensee on 17 January 2018, that they would no longer be operating the markets from 2 March 2018. Council did not request the markets to finish; and was not expecting this notice of termination. In correspondence with Council, the current operator notes that this notice period is not enough time for Council to issue and award a tender to a new operator.

Council understands the necessity of providing the community and stallholders some clarity as to the future of the markets as soon as possible.

Acting General Manager, Cathy Henderson said, “We have received a proposal that the current markets continue to run for an interim period but on a rent-free basis, or paying rent but without key legal guarantees. We have considered these proposals but they present a number of risks and challenges”.

“I will be meeting with the current market operator this week to discuss the way forward,” Ms Henderson said.  “Council staff will recommend that Council consider proceeding to a public expression of interest or tender process for a new market operator. The details of this recommendation are still being finalised.”

“Council is keen to see the Mall as a place of community, activity and safety.”

Officers are currently preparing a report for the 20 February Council Meeting, the first Ordinary Council meeting of 2018, which will outline the situation to date and next steps. Council is not considering a designated cycleway or lane through the mall, with our preferred option being a separated cycleway along Spring Street from Bronte Road until Denison Street, and then continuing along Oxford Street.