Council conducts second bike cleanup

10 April 2018 | Media Release


26 March 2018

Waverley Council will conduct a further clean up of abandoned and broken share bikes tomorrow, (Tuesday 27 March).

This follows a major operation on 5 March when Council's rangers removed and impounded 65 share bikes.

Waverley Mayor John Wakefield said bike operators have been doing a better job and taking council's and residents' concerns more seriously.

“However there a number of non-operational bikes in back streets and laneways, left for weeks without attention or use,” Mayor Wakefield.

“And there are a number of bikes that are non-operational in hard to get places. These will be expensive for council to collect and we are still considering our legal options in regard to these,” he said.

The Mayor stressed Council's support for share bike schemes.

“The concept is great, it's just the roll-out that was flawed,” he said.

“We want to see share bikes fully integrated into Waverley's public transport options -theyare here to stay.

“We just want the system to work for everybody.”

Tomorrow's clean up will focus on Bronte, Bondi and Tamarama beaches as well as other areas in the Waverley locality.

“In the meantime, we really need to see the State Government focusing on a consistent response to share bike schemes,” Mayor Wakefield said.