Get snap happy and win prizes in our Youth Photo Competition

18 January 2018 | Media Release


Waverley Council is encouraging teenagers to get involved in our Youth Photo Competition to have their images published and win great prizes.

As part of the community engagement for the new Waverley Community Strategic Plan, teenagers aged between 12-18 years are invited to take a photo of what you love about your local area.

The photos should communicate their vision for the Waverley area. This will help us with the new Strategic Plan which maps out our vision and priorities for Waverley for the next 10 years.

Mayor of Waverley, John Wakefield said we want input from all members of the community.

“If you’re a budding photographer, a few clicks could win you a prize in the Waverley Council Youth Photo Competition.

“Almost everyone has access to a camera or phone with a camera so get involved.

“It’s a great way to show off your skills and be part of a very important community project.” Mayor Wakefield said.

Creativity, good lighting, angle, composition and subject interest will be the criteria the judges take into consideration when selecting the winners.

Prizes include Westfield Gift vouchers for the Best Photo ($100), Runner Up ($50) and People’s Choice ($50). All the winning entries will also appear in the new Strategic Plan.

The competition closes at 5pm, Wednesday 21 February 2018, so get your camera out!

The People’s Choice will be open for voting from 9am, Thursday 22 February 2018 to 5pm, Wednesday 28 February, 2018 via Facebook.

For more information visit