Lifeguard Service Risk Review Survey Update

20 July 2018 | Media Release

Friday 20 July 2018

Following significant community concerns over the accuracy of some of the information in its Lifeguard Service Risk Review survey, Waverley Council has today revised the survey information and extended the deadline for submissions.

Scott Field, Executive Manager responsible for lifeguard operations, said it is clear that some people have interpreted the initial survey information as a proposal by the Council to ban surfing at Bondi Beach.

“This was never the intention of Council and is at odds with the Council’s unanimous resolution that requested a broader approach to this year’s review of beach safety and amenity,” Mr Field said.

Each year, the Council undertakes a Lifeguard Services Risk Review to ensure the safety on the beaches of Waverley. This year the Council decided to include an opportunity for public input into the review.

The survey will now be open until 17 August and all responses received thus far will still be considered. People who have already responded are welcome to participate in the revised survey.

One thing that is positive about the recent coverage is that it significantly increased interest in the risk review. We received some very passionate responses from residents and beach users, and we welcome further feedback.

Council regrets any concerned caused to residents by the original wording of the survey information.

The link to the revised survey is available on the Have Your Say Waverley website here: Updates will be provided when they come to hand.