Nominate your Local Hero for an award

20 February 2018 | Media Release


Nominations for Waverley Council’s popular Local Hero Awards are now open. They close at 5pm on Wednesday 28 February.

The awards, which Council introduced in 2005, acknowledge and reward our volunteers and community leaders. This year the awards have been revamped. There are now six categories: five are dedicated to our tireless volunteers, who support the community in various areas; one includes individuals who may work for not-for-profit organisations but who go above and beyond in their contribution to the community.

Waverley Mayor, John Wakefield, said the awards were a celebration of community giving. “Waverley has many unsung heroes,” he said. “They are linked by a spirit of generosity and a desire to help others. Their selflessness makes our community much stronger. The awards are one of our most popular events, and I urge people to nominate their local heroes.”

The six award categories are:

  • Strengthening Community: Recognises the inspirational work that an individual has contributed to community services, wellbeing and community safety
  • Community Life: Recognises an individual that has made a valuable contribution to the community through fields of sports, arts, recreation or culture
  • Community volunteer: Recognises the great contribution of a community volunteer to an organisation or cause
  • Working together: Recognises the outstanding work and contribution of a community volunteer group
  • Second Nature Champion: Recognises an individual or volunteer group who has made a significant contribution to environmental sustainability
  • Young Local Hero: Recognises the great contribution of a young person aged between 12-24 years, who is volunteering their time and making a positive impact on the Waverley Community.

Nomination forms can be collected from Council Chambers, Waverley Council Customer Service Centre, Waverley Library, Mill Hill Community Centre or Bondi Pavilion. Or download a form from our website at: