Sixty and counting: share bikes removed from Waverley streets

09 March 2018 | Media Release


Dozens of dockless bikes have been removed from Waverley Council area beaches, parks and streets with the count still continuing.

Mayor Wakefield said Waverley Council was forced to act due to the number of damaged and discarded bikes building up in public spaces.

“We really want share bike schemes to work,” Cr Wakefield said.

“It’s in everyone’s interests to improve transport in Waverley and to increase the number of alternative transport options here, but bike companies need to take responsibility for the management of their bikes and to ensure they don’t become a problem for residents, businesses, pedestrians and other road users,” he said.

“So we have undertaken this clean-up in order to get this scheme to work.”

Bike companies were put on notice last week to remove abandoned bikes from public places.

While they had complied to a certain extent, at 4.30pm today, around 60 share bikes had been taken away by rangers for impoundment. Nearly all of these were broken.

“Council has a responsibility to ensure public safety,” Cr Wakefield said.

“We need bike businesses to take control and operate this scheme responsibly because Council has had to retrieve bikes from pools, cliffs, trees and from littering the beach promenade. That is just not on.”

The Mayor also called for State Government legislation on share bikes so that operators were clear about the consequences of poor management of bike share schemes.

“It’s an unfortunate use of ratepayers’ money to have to clean up this mess but if bike businesses won’t do it, Council will,” he said.

Bikes have been impounded and can be released to the scheme operators for a $70 fee per bike. If they are not claimed, they will be recycled.