Residents have their say to shape the future of Waverley

23 February 2018 | Media Release


More than 140 Waverley community members attended Council’s Community Summit last week, sharing their thoughts and ideas on what Council’s priorities should be over the next 11 years.

Staff from across the organisation were on hand to help facilitate the Summit, which will help formulate Waverley’s important new Community Strategic Plan.

Waverley’s Mayor John Wakefield said there was a great atmosphere in the room. “It was a fantastic opportunity for us to reflect on the challenges facing us and identify ways in which we can work together to bring about change for the better,” he said. “I’d like to thank everyone for coming to the Summit and the valuable contribution they have made towards Waverley’s future.”

On the night, Summit members were broken up into small groups, each addressing the 11 themes that were identified as key issues. The most popular theme on the night was Sustainable Waste Management, but all of the themes attracted feedback: from the Local Economy to Community Services & Wellbeing, to Transport, Pedestrians and Traffic and Arts & Culture.

Mayor Wakefield said residents who had not yet provided feedback could still do so via until 21 February.
The information will be incorporated into a draft Community Strategic Plan which will be presented to Council in April 2018 and then placed on public exhibition for further community consultation.

The new Community Strategic Plan should be finalised and approved in June 2018. Information received via feedback and the written submissions will also be used to inform a number of Council’s strategic documents over the next three years.