Stay safe at the beach this holiday season

24 December 2017 | Media Release


Waverley Council is urging everyone to stay safe by following lifeguard directions and obeying signage on our beaches this holiday season.

Swimming in the ocean can be dangerous. In order to have a hassle-free day at the beach make sure you:

  • Always swim between the red and yellow flags under lifeguard supervision. Remember no flags, no swim.
  • Never swim where you see the Dangerous Current sign.
  • If you are not an experienced swimmer, don't swim alone. Swim with a friend or under supervision.
  • Don't swim under the influence of drugs or alcohol (most adults who drown in NSW are alcohol affected).
  • Learn to recognise dangerous rips and waves. Often the beach has only gentle waves and currents, but sometimes the waves or currents can be very powerful and overwhelm swimmers.

“Waverley Council employs professional lifeguards to protect visitors to all our beaches – Bondi, Tamarama and Bronte Beaches.

“These highly skilled lifeguards work 365 days a year to ensure everyone is safe and enjoy their day at the beach.” Mayor of Waverley John Wakefield said.

We also encourage everyone to protect themselves from harmful sun exposure by always wearing a hat, sunglasses, a shirt, factor 30+ sunscreen and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

Beachgoers are prohibited from smoking and bringing alcohol to any beach and never leave your valuables unattended.

In addition, Waverley Council has translated key beach safety messages into languages other than English. To access these messages visit