Waverley Council goes live!

06 April 2018 | Media Release


23 March 2018

Waverley Council and Committee meetings are now streamed live, making them accessible to everyone.

The first live-streamed Council meeting was Tuesday, 20 April.

Waverley joins an increasing number of councils taking advantage of technology to create a more open and accessible approach to council business.

Both audio and vision are live-streamed meaning ratepayers can watch critical decision making in action from anywhere.

Waverley Mayor John Wakefield welcomed the new development.

“Council meetings are public meetings, so this means everyone can access local democracy in action,” he said.

“It means there is a greater audience for the public matters Council deals with and it will also mean greater accountability.”

Meetings are streamed in high definition and saved as a video recording which is then published online within 48 hours of the meeting.

Users can access the live stream and meeting recordings via http://webcast.waverley.nsw.gov.au/video.php