South Bronte Amenities and Community Centre works

09 April 2020 | Media Release

Thursday 9 April

Minor renovation works are scheduled to start on 14 April on the South Bronte Amenities and Community Centre.

The amenities and community rooms will be closed for three weeks, weather and personal permitting, while the following works are carried out:

  • Levelling and resurfacing floors
  • Updating building fittings, fixtures and finishes where required
  • Re-painting building
  • Renovating seating
  • Replacing clock lighting
  • Replacing kitchenettes in both Community Rooms
  • Adjusting lane ropes cupboard in Community Room
  • Fixing capping on entry steps.

Mayor of Waverley, Paula Masselos, said the works will give the South Bronte Amenities and Community Centre a much-needed refresh.

“What’s crucial now is that we observe social distancing so that we can slow the spread of COVID-19 and get back to swimming at our beautiful beaches and Bronte Ocean Pool,” Mayor Masselos said.

“The Waverley LGA has the highest incidence of the infection- there have been more than 16 cases recorded at Bronte- so no-one is immune and now is not the time for complacency.”

Works will be carried out between 7am to 5pm on weekdays and 8am to 3pm on Saturdays (if required) until early next month.

For more information about our major projects, visit