Temporary closure of playgrounds and outdoor sporting facilities

26 March 2020 | Media Release

UPDATE 2.34pm Thursday 26 March 2020

In line with Australian Government announcements on social distancing, Waverley Council will today be closing all playgrounds and outdoor sporting facilities until further notice.

The temporary closures will apply to:

  • Playgrounds (enclosed and not enclosed)
  • Multipurpose courts
  • Tennis courts
  • Netball courts
  • Cricket nets
  • Bondi Beach Skate Park
  • Council’s outdoor fitness stations

Mayor of Waverley, Paula Masselos, said the temporary closures are to help slow the spread of COVID-19.

“We understand how important it is for families particularly those with young children to get some fresh air after being indoors for long periods,” Mayor Masselos said.

“Unfortunately, maintaining social distancing in setting such as playgrounds can be difficult, so to slow the spread of this virus, we’ve made the decision to close more of our public spaces temporarily.

“A quick walk or scoot around the block with the kids may have to become the new normal if we don’t all take the difficult steps now.

“We also don’t want to close any more of our public spaces but will have to if people don’t obey social distancing, such as on the Bondi to Bronte Coastal Walk.

“COVID 19 is present in the Waverley LGA. In fact, the number of cases in COVID-19 in Waverley is increasing and we are not immune.

“Our beaches also remain closed until further notice and this closure applies to everyone.”

The Council will today install signage at all playgrounds and outdoor sporting facilities to indicate these areas are closed. Fencing won’t be installed around playgrounds that are not enclosed, however we ask that the public does not enter these areas.

For health advice and the latest updates on Coronavirus COVID-19, please refer to NSW Health at https://preview.nsw.gov.au/covid-19. They remain the best point for health advice in this situation.

Council is focused on supporting the whole community, and particularly vulnerable and at-risk residents, to prevent the spread of Covid-19, and maintain social connections and quality of life.

We have been overwhelmed by residents, precinct groups and businesses offering support for neighbourhood and community support initiatives. We want to make sure people have as much information as possible about making a difference in these challenging times while keeping themselves (and others around them) healthy and well.

Click here for information about some of the ways in which Council is providing support, and how the community can get involved.

Click here for details about our $1 million per month relief package for small business.