Play it safe this Australia Day long weekend 

21 January 2021 | Media Release

21 January 2021

Waverley Council is working closely with local Police to ensure people follow all Public Health Orders and relevant health advice when visiting our public spaces this Australia Day long weekend, Saturday 23 January to Tuesday 26 January.

Council will especially be taking a zero-tolerance approach to alcohol and reminds the public that our beaches and coastal parks are all alcohol-prohibited areas.

Mayor of Waverley, Paula Masselos, said additional Council staff and police will be monitoring visitor numbers at our beaches and parks and will restrict access to these areas as a last resort if these areas become too crowded.

“Australia Day is a time for celebration but I would be really disappointed if a new COVID-19 cluster were to emerge in Sydney because people ignored the Public Health Order limiting outdoor public gatherings to 30 people or the health advice about social distancing by 1.5 metres or keeping one towel-length apart,” Mayor Masselos said.

“I’m sure everyone is looking forward to some great weather this long weekend, but we need to remain cautious, and the Public Health Orders are in place to keep us safe.”

“Please, if our beaches and parks look busy, please come back another time or limit the amount of time you spend in these areas so that everyone gets a turn and has a great long weekend.”

To deter the risk of large gatherings:

  • Additional Police, Rangers and Council Ambassadors will be at beaches and parksevery day over the long weekend
  • Biddigal Reserve at North Bondi will be closed on Australia Day
  • BBQs at all parks will be switched off from 3pm each day this Saturday through to Tuesday (portable BBQs are not permitted)
  • Fencing will be installed at the picnic huts at Bronte and Tamarama to create separation between groups
  • To assist traffic flow, one-way arrangements will be in place for parts of Bronte Road.

“The Waverley community has worked really hard to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and people may be fined if they gather in large groups or consume alcohol at our beaches and coastal parks," Mayor Masselos said.

“We also encourage more people to get tested and stay at home until you receive a negative test result if you have the mildest of symptoms."

Council has had escalation plans in place since September to help manage the use of our parks and beaches, and additional measures are in place for the Australia Day long weekend if required.

“We strongly remind people that if you are found consuming alcohol in any of our alcohol-prohibited areas, you will be asked to tip out your alcohol and leave the area. Fines may also be issued.

“We also ask that people respect Police and Council staff including our Lifeguards, Beach Ambassadors and Rangers, who are working hard to keep you safe.”


Please Call Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 if you see any potential breaches of public health orders (including mass gatherings) or the consumption of alcohol in parks. 

Click here for all Bureau of Meteorology hazardous surf warning updates.

Media inquiries: or 0416 075 532.