Apply to join our Reconciliation Action Plan Advisory Committee

09 May 2023 | Media Release

9 May 2023

Expressions of interest (EOI) are open for community members to apply to join Waverley Council’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Advisory Committee for a two-year term.

The EOI closes tomorrow Wednesday 10 May at

The RAP Advisory Committee provides cultural advice, guidance, feedback and support to Council around the implementation and monitoring of actions, projects and commitments identified in our Waverley Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2019—2021.

Mayor of Waverley and RAP Advisory Committee chair, Paula Masselos, said it was a pivotal time in history to be part of the RAP Committee which has helped guide Council’s awareness campaign about the Uluru Statement From the Heart.

In November last year, Waverley Council unanimously voted to support the Uluru Statement which calls for two substantive changes: the Voice to Parliament and a Makarrata Commission to supervise agreement making and truth-telling about First Nations history. In February this year, Council voted to support the Yes campaign in the lead-up to the Voice to Parliament Referendum.

Tomorrow, Wednesday 10 May, Waverley Council will be holding a Voice to Parliament Community Forum at Bondi Pavilion Theatre at 6.30pm, for anyone interested in in learning about the upcoming Voice to Parliament Referendum, a crucial vote that will determine whether an Indigenous Advisory Body will be enshrined in the Australian Constitution, to provide a platform for First Nations peoples to have a say on issues that affect them.

“The RAP Committee has helped shape Council’s vision for a vibrant, resilient, caring and inclusive community where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples practice and celebrate their culture and heritage proudly, are honoured for their survival and resilience, respected and acknowledged as First Nations peoples with the right to determine their own futures and supported to continue to overcome adversity,” Mayor Masselos said.

“Over the next two years, our new committee members will help with the development of a new RAP and build on the fantastic work of our outgoing members.”

The committee will have a maximum of 11 members, plus the chair, comprised of the following:

  • Up to three Waverley Councilors
  • Up to eight community members (a community member may be an individual from the community or a representative of a community organisation)

At least one of the following essential criteria must apply to community members:

  • Traditional Custodians and Elders of the Waverley area
  • Aboriginal Peoples and Torres Strait Islander Peoples who live, work or have a connection to the Waverley and surrounding areas.
  • Representatives from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community groups and organisations that operate and/or are located within the jurisdiction of the La Perouse Local Aboriginal Land Council.

To apply for the RAP Committee, or for more information, visit

For more information about the Uluru Statement From the Heart, see the dedicated page on our website.

To register to watch the live stream of our Voice to Parliament Community Forum tomorrow, click here.