Book now to enjoy the best of our winter School Holiday Program

13 June 2023 | Media Release

13 June 2023

Bookings for Waverley Council’s winter School Holiday Program, 3—14 July 2023 are now open with a great line-up of fun-filled activities, workshops and events at Bondi Pavilion, Waverley Library, Margaret Whitlam Recreation Centre and Waverley Woollahra Art School.

Most of our school holiday events are free or offered at low-cost and are all about kids having fun and learning new skills along the way.

Our program is facilitated by a combination of Waverley Council specialist staff, artists, industry professionals and partner organisations and offers something for young people of all ages.

Mayor of Waverley, Paula Masselos, said the program has been curated by Council officers to ensure the content is engaging, interesting and memorable.

“From 3D hand drawing and illustrator talks at Waverley Library to tennis and dance at Margaret Whitlam Recreation Centre, our school holiday program covers a gamut of skills and interests to help keep our younger residents entertained and introduce them to our diverse arts and culture and family programming,” Mayor Masselos said.

“Highlights of the Pavilion’s winter program include Bondi Festival events Ants, Werewolves, Marang, Pavilion Paw Parade, Pottery Studio workshops and more.”

To explore our program of events and to book, click here. To stay up-to-date with all things school holidays, sign up to our School Holiday eNewsletter 

Please note, all staff, participants and facilitators are bound to Waverley Council's code of conduct and Esafety guidelines.


Media inquiries: or 0416 075 532.