Go Electric to help reach Community Net Zero carbon emissions by 2035

23 May 2023 | Media Release

23 May 2023

Waverley Council is celebrating the Electrify Everything national campaign to encourage and support residents to electrify their homes and reap the benefits of clean energy.

It is working together with councils across Australia to promote the clear benefits of electrification and improve awareness of the opportunities and local support available to homeowners and businesses to save money and slash greenhouse gas emissions.

In 2019, Waverley Council declared a target of net zero carbon emissions by 2030 for Council and in 2022, declared a net zero target of 2035 for the Waverley community.

To help achieve the community net zero target, the Council is supporting a transition from natural gas appliances and petrol vehicles to all-electric appliances and vehicles, which can be powered by renewable energy. This year, it also became one of the first councils to support electrification in development controls. Read more here.

“We have set ambitious timeframes to reach net zero community emissions - but we need your help as we can’t do it alone,” Waverley Mayor, Paula Masselos said.

“For example, transport accounts for around 20% of community greenhouse gas emissions in our local government area, and so this month we will be consulting our community proposed location of new EV chargers to support our community to transition to electric transport choices and reduce noise and air pollution.

“Council is also providing resources and support to the community to transition to all-electric homes. By replacing gas with electric appliances powered by renewable energy, households can save up to $3000 per year as well as improving indoor air quality and health.

“All-electric buildings are better for your hip pocket, better for the environment and the healthiest option for your home and family, and Waverley is proud to be part of the national campaign.”

Waverley Council offers residents a Go Electric! checklist of actions they can take to make the switch. Waverley Library also has two induction cooktops available to borrow, if residents would like to try this high-efficiency cooking technology.

We are also showcasing local sustainability leaders, with case studies of residents who love their Electric Vehicles, used green finance to install solar panels, and switched their gas appliances to all-electric.

This month, apartment blocks interested in investigating solar power for their units can also apply for a free 30-minute consultation with a solar-for-strata expert. Registrations for this offer are available at https://airtable.com/shrTNP7oCkRWLkqJt.

For more information, visit Waverley Council’s Second Nature website.


Media inquiries: media@waverley.nsw.gov.au or 0416 075 532.