Waverley Council unveils latest streetscape works in Bronte

03 July 2023 | Media Release

3 July 2023

Waverley Council has celebrated the completion of its streetscape upgrade works at the intersection of Macpherson Street and St Thomas Street at Bronte.

The community has welcomed the works which will help improve safety for pedestrians and all other road users in the busy neighbourhood café strip.

Highlights of the project included:

  • Converting the pedestrian crossing on MacPherson St into a raised pedestrian crossing
  • Extending the kerb on St Thomas St to make it easier for pedestrians to cross
  • Installing new garden beds
  • Repairing stormwater infrastructure
  • Making provisions for future lighting improvements

Mayor of Waverley, Paula Masselos, said the Council is committed to ensuring local roads and other assets are operated, maintained, renewed and upgraded to meet the levels of service set by the community as per objectives in the Waverley Operational Plan 2022—2023.

“This upgrade is part of a suite of streetscape improvement projects Council is delivering to help make Waverley an even better place to live, work and do business,” Mayor Masselos said.

“Our community is passionate about our neighbourhood centres and local gathering places, and our infrastructure needs to reflect this.

“Thousands of people drive through this intersection each day on their way to Bronte Beach and Waverley Cemetery, so we wanted to make it as safe as possible for the community.”

The project was primarily funded by Transport for NSW’s Get NSW Active Program 2022/2023 which provides local councils with funding for projects that create safe, easy and enjoyable walking and cycling trips.

Parliamentary Secretary for Transport and Member for Coogee, Dr Marjorie O’Neill said this upgrade will make it easier for people to walk around Bronte.

“We know parking in our part of the world can be a nightmare, so this upgrade will make it safer and easier for everyone in the community to walk to and from the Bronte high street,” the Member for Coogee said.

“The new garden beds and stormwater improvements will also make McPherson Street a nicer place to sit outside and have a coffee.

“It is fantastic to see these works delivered with funding from the NSW Government, which is committed to delivering the infrastructure that will make our communities safer and easier to walk in.”

Media inquiries: media@waverley.nsw.gov.au or 0416 075 532