Extended hours for a more vibrant, safer Oxford Street Mall at night

03 August 2024 | Media Release

In a move to bring to life the Oxford Street Mall at night and make it even safer, Waverley Council has voted to extend business opening hours until 3am.

Waverley Mayor Paula Mayor said Council has heard the community’s interest in a safer, strong night-time economy in Oxford Street Mall.

“What we’re aiming for is an attractive, buzzing space where locals will love to have dinner – and that makes Bondi Junction a destination for an enjoyable evening out,” she said.

“As a community, we’re also looking for ways to feel safer in our public spaces. We know from Transport for NSW’s (TfNSW) Safer Cities Survey Report that people feel safer in activated public spaces, that are well lit and with lots of people around.”

51% of participants in the TfNSW survey said they would be more likely to go out at night alone if they felt safer.

“We’ve also heard businesses calls for more certainty so they can develop the right venues and business for the night-time economy,” Mayor Masselos said.

This is expected to be a gradual change as businesses develop suitable venues with the right mix of offerings for our community.

Previous rules around night-time trading have been on the basis of temporary changes to the law. The recent hours have been Monday to Saturday 7am - 11pm and Sunday 7am - 10pm. The amendment sets the general base trading hours as Monday to Sunday 6am - 3am.

Existing businesses can apply for an extension of hours. Prospective businesses will need to apply for development approval.

The DCP has noise control measures such as requiring sound proofing in residential dwellings. There was also a recommendation as part of the resolution that Council investigates provisions for noise attenuation in residential development within and around the Oxford Street Mall precinct in a future DCP amendment.

Businesses seeking to engage in late-night trade must prepare a Plan of Management to mitigate negative impacts such as noise and anti-social behaviour. Venues should be fit for purpose and avoid unnecessary sound amplification to minimize noise pollution.