A boost for local businesses: Waverley Council adopts common sense approach to footpath seating

30 April 2024 | Media Release

Waverley Council has voted unanimously to adopt a notice of motion by the Waverley Mayor, Paula Masselos, to remove a prohibitive rule around footpath seating for cafes and restaurants.

Instead of prescribing the number of tables and chairs a business can place on a footpath, the Council will simply prescribe an area of footpath for outdoor seating.

Mayor Masselos, said vehicular and pedestrian access and safety would continue to be maintained under the permit system change.

“Cafes and restaurants have bigger things to worry about, such as the rising cost of doing business and changes in consumer spending habits, than counting tables and chairs,” Mayor Masselos said.

“Sydney is a global food destination and outdoor dining is such a large part of our culture in Waverley. This simple permit system change will provide some added flexibility for business owners and customers.”

President of the Bondi & Districts Chamber of Commerce, Emmanuel Constantinou, said the move would encourage cafes and restaurants to embrace alfresco dining.

“We applaud Waverley Council in continuing to work together with the business community to make the operation of the business easier and create a better environment in our community,” Mr Consantinou said.

“This move from the council will encourage more cafes and restaurants into the area as it will take away the concerns about numbers of tables/chairs and risk of fines and focus more on the customer experience and enjoyment.”


Media inquiries: media@waverley.nsw.gov.au or 0416 075 532.