Waiora School celebrates access and inclusion at Waverley Park Playground

12 April 2024 | Media Release

Students from Wairoa School, North Bondi, had fun this month exploring the new Waverley Park Playground.

The district-level inclusive play space caters to all visitors and was proudly co-funded by the NSW Government, through the NSW Public Spaces Legacy Program, in association with the Council.

The Wairo School community enjoying this months visit to the new playground.

The school visit was hosted by the Mayor of Waverley, Paula Masselos, as part of the school’s Community Access Program.

“The playground caters to a diverse range of age groups and abilities, and it was wonderful seeing the students engage in active and imaginative play during the visit,” Mayor Masselos said.

“Access and inclusion are at the heart of the playground's design and we are delighted that our community is loving this new play space.”

The Waverley Park Playground upgrade was informed by Waverley Council’s Play Space Strategy, Inclusive Play Space Study and the Waverley Park Plan of Management. Waverley’s Disability Inclusion Action Plan DIAP details the actions Council will take to improve the way people with disability access services and participate in community life.

The new Waverley Park Playground.

These actions are informed by feedback by a broad range of people from Waverley, including people with a disability, their families, carers, service providers and advocacy groups. Our Access and Inclusion Advisory Panel is committed to engaging with people with lived experience, carers, and allies, so we can plan for, and better meet, the needs of people with disabilities.

Waiora School provides educational programs to support students with a moderate to severe intellectual disability, who may also have additional support needs related to autism, physical disabilities and/or sensory disabilities.

The Council is funding a new inclusion program with Wairoa titled Pathways to the Pavilion. The program provides opportunities for Wairoa students to be creative and helps students and their families become more confident visiting and using Bondi Pavilion’s new facilities, including the new Music Studios.

“Wairoa School provides students with an individual journey in education, and we look forward to helping the school support those journeys,” Mayor Masselos said. “We thank Wairoa for coming to visit us and we hope that the students continue to enjoy using our playground.”

The playground includes a new rocket ship and bespoke launch control play tower, water play, slides, spinners, climbing equipment and shaded quiet areas.


Media inquiries: media@waverley.nsw.gov.au or 0416 075 532.