Waverley Cemetery offers a range of in-ground ash burial options designed to maintain the historic significance of the cemetery and its Victorian marble and sandstone architecture. Ash sites are currently available as either single or double interments.
To enquire about purchasing a site or to arrange a viewing please contact us.

The Duff Memorial Garden
The Duff Memorial Garden sits adjacent to the imposing memorial to former NSW Governor Sir Robert Duff. The garden faces the ocean and is largely oriented to the northeast, capturing the early morning sun.
Each site caters for two interments and includes a Carrera marble plinth. The garden is attractively laid out with pebbles and a handsome purple-flowering Camphor Laurel tree.

Banksia Memorial Walk
The Banksia Memorial Walk is one of Waverley Cemetery’s newest ash gardens. It is located close to the main entrance gates, providing easy access. Each site caters for up to two interments and includes a sandstone plinth.

Scatter Ash Garden
The Scatter Ash Garden is located close to Circular Mound and is the most affordable option for interment in Waverley Cemetery, with the ashes of your loved one scattered in the garden.

Ivy Leaf Memorial Wall
A memorial-only option is available at Waverley Cemetery for those who wish to commemorate a loved one whose final resting place may be located elsewhere. Memorial options include an ivy leaf with an inscription mounted on the sandstone wall.

Family Ash Garden
Family Memorial Gardens provide families the exclusive use of a triangular ash garden. Each garden accommodates up to eight ash interments. The fee includes the first four interments.